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HRCLL is run by 100% Volunteers with no paid Board positions. It's people like you who setup, run, and keep this league going on a daily basis.

We are the largest league in the Portland Metro Area with over 500 kids each year. In order to run a successful league, we NEED YOUR HELP!!

The following are a list of Volunteer Opportunities for any parent:

  • Board Member:  we have a number of open board positions to fill. Head over to the "League Board" link in the "About Us" section to see what is available. We also allow At-Large membership for those wanting a say in the direction or daily operation of the league.

  • Team Parent: Each team is required to have at least 1 Team Parent to help with Team Communication, Auction Baskets, and Planning

  • Team Scorekeeper: Each Minors/Majors team is required to have at least 1 Scorekeeper to keep score in the scorebook during the games. Scorekeeper training will be provided. It's a lot of fun and a great way to learn more about the game!

  • Team Concessions Coordinator: Each Minors/Majors team is required to have at least 1 Concessions Coordinator. The duties are quite simple. When a team is playing at Erv Lind, they and the other team's Concessions Coordinator just need to make sure the concessions are opened and closed properly. They should on hand to answer any questions or issues that come up from the people who are assigned to work that night. It does NOT mean you will be working more concessions, it's a coordination role. 

For those who choose not to have one of the above roles, each family is required to work one 2hr shift in the Erv Lind Concessions Stand each year for their Volunteer Commitment. Concessions is our #1 Fund Raiser, and is critical to our league finances. A Concessions Sign-up Sheet will be distributed in the pre-season for families to sign up with before they are randomly assigned a given game to work.

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