Registration in our League is based off of your Home Address or School Address. One of those MUST be inside our Boundary.Eligible Schools: Irvington, Beverly Cleary, Laurelhurst, All-Saints, Rose City Park, Roseway Heights Middle School, Le Monde, Portland Montessori, Da Vinci Middle School
UPDATE: HRCLL Boundary was updated for Spring 2020 and all addresses east of NE 82nd were moved to Parkside Little League in order to better serve those locations and help balance enrollment in both Parkside and HRCLL. If your child previously played in HRCLL and now lives outside of our boundary, they are Grandfathered in, and just need a waiver to play.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
For 100% accuracy, please check the
Little League Finder Tool online and enter your home or school address to determine eligibility.